Blots Definition

  • June 21, 2016

Blot Short for blotter, as in blotter paper. In drug culture, LSD is commonly absorbedinto this paper and sold as 'hits'. A single blot is normally smaller than a postage stamp. A blot, is a ritual sacrifice, to the gods, the wights, ancestors, alfr etc. Any of The Holy Powers. They are a way to communicate with them, to ask for intangible gifts and give them in return. 'A gift for a gift as it must always be.' There is a debate as to whether or not the word 'Blot' is apprporiate for non blood sacrafices, many practionores will also use the term 'Faining' as an alternative if it is not a blood blot. Medical Definition of blot.: a nitrocellulose sheet that contains spots of immobilized macromolecules (as of DNA, RNA, or protein) or their fragments and that is used to identify specific components of the spots by applying a suitable molecular probe (as a complementary nucleic acid or a radiolabeled antibody) — see northern blot, southern blot, western blot.

Blot (one's) copy book. To tarnish, damage, or ruin one's reputation by behaving badly or committing some mistake or social transgression. Refers to a child's copy book, the blotting (staining with ink) of which ruins one's work. Primarily heard in UK. A spot or a stain caused by a discoloring substance: a blot of paint. An association of disgrace with one's character or reputation.

Bolts, screws and studs are used extensively in the manufacturing industry. Although similar in appearance, however, each item has its own unique purpose and characteristics. To learn more about the nuances between bolts, screws and studs — and which one is right for your application — keep reading.

According to the Machinery’s Handbook, the main difference between bolts and screws lies in their purpose. While there are always exceptions to this rule, bolts are typically used to assemble two or more unthreaded components. When used in conjunction with a nut, the bolt will remain secure on the unthreaded component; thus, holding it together and serving its intended purpose. On the other hand, screws are used with threaded components. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the component or components used with screws must be threaded, as the installation of the screw may create the threading.

Blots Definition Dictionary

As explained on Wikipedia, bolts are typically used to create bolted joints, whic his a combination of the nut applying a clamping force, pinning the joint sideways. This is why many bolts have an unthreaded shank — it creates for a stronger and more effective dowel. Therefore, unthreaded shanks have long been a defining characteristic of bolts when comparing them to their screw counterparts.

Ink Blots Definition


If all of that sounds too confusing, here’s another definition of a bolt: it is a threaded fastener that’s intended for insertion through holes in components that are already assembled, usually used in conjunction with a nut. A screw is an externally threaded fastener that can be inserted into holes of pre-assembled components, used to connect with a pre-formed internal thread — or create its own threading. Screws are typically tightened by twisting and turning the head with torque.

And last but not least, a stud is a metal rod or shaft featuring threads on both sides. Most studs are long, although sizes can vary depending on its intended purpose and application. Studs do not have a “head” like a screw or bolt that can be turned for tightening.

Whether it’s a screw, bolt or stud, they are typically all made of a few different metals. This includes carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, nickel alloy and aluminum alloy. Manufacturers must use the highly quality metals to reduce the risk of cracking, rusting and other damage, as such damage can prove disastrous for the components in which it is used.

Torque To Yield Bolts Definition

Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding on the differences between screws, bolts and studs.

See Monroe’s Bolts, Screws and Studs.