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Dr. Shawn Baker is the father / establisher of the carnivore diet and the author of the best selling book ā€œThe Carnivore Dietā€.

As a physician, he experienced that the healthcare system is very ineffective at reversing the immense tide of chronic disease.

Dr Results Instagram

He introduced the carnivore diet to the world on the Joe Rogan podcast with more than 10 million downloads.

His personal experience with the carnivore diet as well as interacting with thousands of patients has shown powerful results in treating and reversing many chronic diseases.

Dr. Shawn Baker MD

  • Orthopedic Surgeon
  • Athlete ā€“ World Record Holder
  • CEO of MeatRx
  • Author of the best selling book ā€œThe Carnivore Dietā€
  • International Speaker
  • Podcast Host
  • Consultant
  • A lifetime of pursuing excellence
  • Pushing the boundaries and not settling for mediocrity
  • Father, Soldier, Revolutionist
  • Get Shredded Guide

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    Carnivore + Fasting + Shred Guides

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    Carnivore Diet Guide


If you already have an Instagram account you can skim through these first few paragraphs but be sure to carefully read the next section when I discuss choosing your Instagram name.

How To Track Instagram Followers : Jeremy Mcgilvrey

Setting up an Instagram account is very easy and should take you no more than a couple of seconds. Download the app to your mobile phone and open it up.

On the main screen, you will have the option to sign in with your Facebook login or use your email address. Choose one and move on.

Dr Results Instagram

You will be able to build out your profile with the following details:

Full name: This is the name of your brand/business (or your personal name) spelled out in full (ex. Elevate Your Mindset)

Username: After filling out the above, you will get an automatic suggestion for what your username should be. This is separate from your full name (ex. @ElevateYourMindset)

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Password: Make sure you choose something that is secure and easy to remember

Photo: Use your logo or a picture of yourself if itā€™s a personal page

Click on ā€œDoneā€, and you will immediately have access to the Instagram platform and your new Instagram account.

Donā€™t worry about getting everything perfect right away. As you read through this book, you will learn exactly how to build your new or existing account into a powerhouse brand and begin attracting new followers with ease. This is simply the first step.

How To Use Instagram To Grow Your Business


Dr results instagram photos

The name you choose for your Instagram page is absolutely crucial. Your Instagram name is similar to a modern website domain name these days. When people search for you, it needs to be recognizable and pop up right away. The way you craft your name will determine a significant portion of your success on Instagram. Unless youā€™re already a world-famous brand or a celebrity that everyone knows by name, people should read your name and immediately have a good idea of what your brand is about. This is the first step to maximizing your growth on Instagram. People will be disappointed or confused when they see content that does not match with your name. Everything: Promotions, shoutouts, etc. - will deliver subpar results if you get this wrong.

Sounds like common sense? It certainly does until you realize how many people will haphazardly jump into this process and fail at growing and profiting on Instagram before they even get started.

Donā€™t rush this! You donā€™t need to be a perfectionist but you want to take a good amount of time to come up with the right name. Ask friends, family, anybody that you trust. You are looking for their brutally honest first impression upon seeing and hearing your name.

Here are a couple of things to watch out for when youā€™re choosing your Instagram name:

Pronunciation: It should be easy to say your name. No part of your name should be confusing at all.

Unique: Obviously, you canā€™t use a username that has already been taken. You also want to avoid similarities to any other businesses or brands that are already on Instagram. Copyright infringement problems will come back to bite you when you begin growing your page in the near future.

Periods and/or Underscores: You might have to use these in order to create a unique name for yourself. Ideally you want to avoid using them at all but this might not be realistic. Limit your use of these, and never put two or more periods/underscores right beside one another. The reason for this is because it makes it harder for people to search for you and find your name. Google will treat ā€œword1.word2.word3.word4ā€ as four separate words, making the discovery of your page much more difficult.

Length: This should not be too long (the same goes for your Full Name). How long? Go to any page and look at who they are following. The full name AND the username should not be cut off at all. All this does is add ambiguity and confusion to potential followers who donā€™t understand what your page is all about. Conciseness and clarity are key to a successful Instagram name ā€“ this is why you should take your time. Shorter names are easier to search for and may provide you with exclusivity.

Gender/Ethnicity/Religion: Keep these out of your name. Unless that is your specific niche, you are going to severely limit the potential size of your audience before you even begin. You have to respect what your followers want to see if you want to keep them around and engaged with your content and Instagram page.

Popular Names: Try to keep these out of your name (ex. Success, entrepreneur, billionaire, etc.). There are several huge Instagram accounts that dominate in these niches and you will be facing a steep uphill climb as you attempt to grow your following. A unique name will make your page much easier to discover when people are searching for you.

Relevancy: As stated earlier, you want your name to be relevant to the content you post. Use your nicheā€™s key word in the first part of your name and not the middle or last part of it. Enter the mind of a person who is searching for your niche: What is the FIRST thing they will type in the search field on the Instagram app? The keyword. If your word isnā€™t there, itā€™s going to get lost amongst the other search results. This is a simple way to utilize search engine optimization within the Instagram environment.

For example, when I launched my first Instagram page I chose the username @FSTRSuccess because I thought it was clever and easy to understand but I was dead wrong. Within just a few weeks I quickly realized I needed a username that aligned more with my brand and what I do. After I changed my username to @ElevateYourMindset I saw a dramatic increase in my follower growth. Now if you search either ā€˜elevateā€™ or ā€˜mindsetā€™ my page comes up in the first handful of searches in a very crowded niche. Think long-term when it comes to the relevancy of your name and how it connects with your brand.

Similar to Your Website: If you donā€™t have a website yet, try to set up a domain that matches or is very similar to your chosen Instagram username. You donā€™t have to spend a lot of money on this and you can even have an email address that includes your Instagram username. From personal experience, Iā€™ve noticed that contact@username.com provides the most clarity because people know exactly who they are reaching when they send an email. This email also provides superior results to something like a Gmail address, even if the username is included in that Gmail account (ex. username@gmail. com). With that said, Gmail might be the best option if you do not currently have a website or have secured a domain name.

Also, if enough people click on your website, which will be featured in your bio ā€“ (more on that later), you will eventually achieve a higher search rank on Google and you will find that people can discover you outside of the Instagram platform. You donā€™t necessarily have to focus too much on this but as you grow you may find it beneficial. As great as Instagram is, a global brand is built off of multiple platforms through which will help you become far more accessible to people around the world.

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Dr Results Instagram Leaked

Secured Across Multiple Platforms: This is more relevant towards those that want to expand their reach on multiple social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, etc). This ensures that your branding is simplified and unified. The only exception to this is that you want to keep your personal accounts separate from the accounts you use for businesses and influencing. Unless your model requires you to be an integral part of the page, you will lose followers if people see constant selfies of yourself and not the content that they want and expect to receive.

After some time and some brainstorming, you should have several names ready. Take them through the 9 criterias Iā€™ve outlined until you have something that passes all of the tests. Youā€™re almost there!

Dr Results Instagram App

Before you select your final Instagram username, you want to be clear about what you are building. Are you building your own personal page, something for your business, or a general page on Instagram that focuses on a specific niche? This will affect the name you choose and you may even have to go back through the previous criterias I laid out to ensure that your Instagram name passes all the tests.