Qt Slot Thread


  1. Qt Thread Ui
  2. Qt Move To Thread
  3. Qt Slot Thread Dimensions
  4. Qt Slot Thread Set

Some times you see a signal is emitted in sender thread but connected slot doesn't called (in other words it doesn't receive signal), you have asked about it and finaly got that the connection type Qt::DirectConnection would fix it, so the problem found and everything is ok.

For years, Qt has sported an easy-to-use threading library, based around a class called QThread. As of Qt4, you can use QThread to start your own event loops. This might sound somewhat uninteresting at first, but it means you can have your own signals and slots outside the main thread.

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  2. Queued Connection The slot is invoked when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the receiver's thread. Blocking Queued Connection The slot is invoked as for the Queued Connection, except the current thread blocks until the slot returns.
  3. The QThreadclass provides a platform-independent way to manage threads. A QThreadobject manages one thread of control within the program. QThreads begin executing in run. By default, run starts the event loop by calling exec and runs a Qt event loop inside the thread.
  4. Connecting in Qt 5. There are several ways to connect a signal in Qt 5. Qt 5 continues to support the old string-based syntax for connecting signals and slots defined in a QObject or any class that inherits from QObject (including QWidget).

But generaly this is bad idea to use Qt:DirectConnection until you really know what is this and there is no other way. Lets explain it more, Each thread created by Qt (including main thread and new threads created by QThread) have Event loop, the event loop is responsible for receiving signals and call aproporiate slots in its thread. Generaly executing a blocking operation inside an slot is bad practice, because it blocks the event loop of that threads so no other slots would be called.

If you block an event loop (by making very time consuming or blocking operation) you will not receive events on that thread until the event loop will be unblocked. If the blocking operation, blocks the event loop forever (such as busy while), the slots could never be called.

In this situation you may set the connection type in connect to Qt::DirectConnection, now the slots will be called even the event loop is blocked. so how this could make broke everything? In Qt::DirectConnection Slots will be called in emiter threads, and not receiver threads and it can broke data synchronizations and ran into other problems. So never use Qt::DirectConnection unless you know what are you doing. If your problem will be solved by using Qt::DirectConnection, you have to carefull and look at your code and finding out why your event loop is blocked. Its not a good idea to block the event loop and its not recomended in Qt.

Here is small example which shows the problem, as you can see the nonBlockingSlot would be called even the blockingSlot blocked event loop with while(1) which indicates bad coding

Qt Thread Ui

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This post is about the use of QThread. It is an answer to a three years old blog post by Brad, my colleague at the time:
You're doing it wrong

Qt Move To Thread

In his blog post,Brad explains that he saw many users misusing QThread by sub-classing it, adding someslots to that subclass and doing something like this in the constructor:

Qt Slot Thread Dimensions

They move a thread to itself. As Brad mentions, it is wrong: the QThread is supposed tobe the interface to manage the thread. So it is supposed to be used from the creating thread.

Slots in the QThread object are then not run in that thread and having slots in a subclass of QThreadis a bad practice.

But then Brad continues and discourages any sub-classing of QThread at all.He claims it is against proper object-oriented design.This is where I disagree. Putting code in run() is a valid object-oriented way to extend a QThread:A QThread represents a thread that just starts an event loop, a subclass represents a threadthat is extended to do what's in run().

After Brad's post, some members of the community went on a crusade against sub-classing QThread.The problem is that there are many perfectly valid reasons to subclass QThread.

With Qt 5.0 and Qt 4.8.4, the documentation of QThread was changed so the sample code does not involvesub-classing.Look at the first code sampleof the Qt 4.8 QThread documentation (Update: link to archive.org since the newer documentation is fixed).It has many lines of boiler plate just to run some code in a thread. And the there is evena leak: the QThread is never going to quit and be destroyed.

I was asked on IRC a question from an user who followed that example in orderto run some simple code in a thread. He had a hard time to figure out how to properlydestroy the thread. That is what motivated me to write this blog entry.

If you allow to subclass QThread, this is what you got:

This code does no longer leak and is much simpler and has lessoverhead as it does not create useless object.

The Qt threading examplethreadedfortuneserveris an example that uses this pattern to run blocking operations and is much simpler thanthe equivalent using a worker object.

I have submitted a patch to the documentationto not discourage sub-classing QThread anymore.

Qt Slot Thread

Rules of thumbs

When to subclass and when not to?

  • If you do not really need an event loop in the thread, you should subclass.
  • If you need an event loop and handle signals and slots within the thread, you may not need to subclass.

Qt Slot Thread Set

What about using QtConcurrent instead?

QThread is a quite low level and you should better use a higher levelAPI such as QtConcurrent.

Now, QtConcurrent has its own set of problems: It is tied to a single thread pool so it is nota good solution if you want to run blocking operations. It has also some problems in itsimplementation that gives some performance overhead. All of this is fixable.Perhaps even Qt 5.1 will see some improvements.

A good alternative is also the C++11 standard library withstd::threadand std::async which arenow the standard way to run code in a thread. And the good news is that it still works fine with Qt:All other Qt threading primitives can be used with native threads.(Qt will create automatically create a QThread if required).