Y Education Words

Another word for education. Find more ways to say education, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

  • 13 synonyms of education from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 24 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for education. Education: the act.
  • Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today. Office 365 works like you: everywhere.

A to Z


A4-1/A4-2 Tuition Calculation
Academic Standards
Accountability (ESEA Waiver)
AchieveNJ (Educator Evaluation)
Administrative Code
Adult Education – High School Equivalency
Advanced Placement Test Fee Reduction Program
Affirmative Action Officer/School District Information
Afterschool Programs
Alternative Education
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Abuse
Amistad Commission, New Jersey
Annual School Planning
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Law
Appeal, Petition of
Assessment Outreach 2018
Assessment Reports, NJ Statewide
Athlete, Student – Safety Act Webinar
Attendance, Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism
Audit Summary Worksheet


Behavior, Student
Bilingual Education
Bilingual Portal
Biliteracy Seal
Blue Ribbon Schools
Board of Education, State
Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
Bullying - Parental Guidance on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Bullying - Model Policy and Guidance For Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying on School Property, at School-Sponsored Functions and on School Buses


Calendar of Events
Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education Programs in NJ Public Schools
Career Clusters
Career Opportunities
Certification and Induction
Certification Application Status Check
Character Education Network
Charter Schools
Charter School Outreach 2018
Child Abuse and Neglect, What School Personnel Need to do, Reporting
Child Care Development Block Grant Reauthorization Act
Choice, Interdistrict Public School
Chronic Absenteeism, Attendance, & Truancy
Commission on Holocaust Education
Commissioner, Office of
Communicable Diseases – Resources
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Information
Comparative Spending Guide
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) District Report Search
Comprehensive Equity Plans
Comprehensive Health Education and Physical Education
Comprehensive Support Networks
Computer Science
Concussion and Head Injury Model Policy and Updates, Sports-Related
Confinement – Support for Students Returning from Confinement
Consolidated Monitoring Reports
Controversies and Disputes
Coordinated School Health
County Information and Services
COVID-19, Guiding the Education Community Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Credentials and Licensing, Educators
Criminal History Review (Office of Student Protection)


Data Collections (Homeroom)
Data Reports
Dating Violence
Dating Violence Model Policy and Educational Resources
Department Overview
Diabetes in the School Setting, Guidelines for the Care of Students with
Discretionary Grants
Directory, NJ Schools
Diseases, Communicable – Resources
District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC)
District Factor Groups (DFG)
Drug Abuse, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Dyslexia and Other Reading Disabilities


Early Childhood Education and Family Engagement
Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care
Educational Technology
Educational Technology Training Centers
Educator Evaluation (AchieveNJ)
Educator Preparation Provider Annual Reports
Educator Recognition
Educator Recruitment, Preparation, and Induction
EEO/Affirmative Action
Election Guidance, School
Election Results, School
Employment Certificates
Employment Opportunities with the NJ Department of Education
Equity Plans (Comprehensive – Managing Equity)
Espanol (portal bilingüe)
Ethics Commission, School
Events Registration
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (Enacted December 10, 2015; July 1, 2016-Present)
Examiners, State Board of
Eye Injuries in Youth from Sports – Fact Sheet


Facilities Guide for Technology in New Jersey Schools
Facilities, School
Family information
Federal Loan Forgiveness and Cancellation
Federal Title Programs
Finance - State Aid Summaries
Fiscal Monitoring Reports
Foster Care/Educational Stability



General Educational Development (GED) Test
Gifted and Talented Requirements, Summary of New
Gifted and Talented Services Frequently Asked Questions
Graduation Rates
Graduation Requirements Assessment
Graduation Requirements Coursework
Guidelines for Public Schools and Approved Charter Schools to Observe 'School Violence Awareness Week' in Accordance with Public Law 2001, Chapter 298
Guidelines for the Care of Students with Diabetes in the School Setting
Guidelines for the Emergency Administration of an Opioid Antidote in Schools


Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Health, Student
Health (Coordinated School)
Health Education and Physical Education (Comprehensive)
Health Survey, New Jersey Student
HIB, Grades – Commissioner's Guidance on bullying grades for schools
High School Proficiency Test, NJ Statewide Assessment Reports
Holidays Permitting Pupil Absence From School, List of Religious
Holocaust Education, Commission on
Homeroom (Data Collections)
Home Schooling
Homeless Education
Human Trafficking


IEP Sample Forms
Immigration/Visa Issues
Interdistrict Public School Choice
International Education
Internet Protection Safety Act
Italian and Italian American Heritage Commission, The New Jersey



Katzenbach, Marie H. School of the Deaf
Keeping Our Kids Safe


Language Arts Literacy
Latino & Hispanic Heritage Commission
Law Enforcement – Memorandum of Agreements Between Education and Law Enforcement
Lead Testing of Drinking Water in Schools
Learning Resource Centers
Legal Decisions
Legal Processes
Licensing and Credentials, Educators
Lighthouse Districts
Loan Forgiveness and Cancellation (Federal)


Media Violence – Resources
Memorandum of Agreement Between Education and Law Enforcement Officials
Mentoring for Teachers
Migrant Education Program
Model Policy and Guidance For Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying on School Property, at School-Sponsored Functions and on School Buses
Monitoring Reports, Fiscal and Consolidated

Y Education Words Quiz


National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
New Jersey Amistad Commission
New Jersey Student Learning Standards
NJ Career Assistance Navigator (NJCAN)
NJ Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJ QSAC)
NJ Schools Directory
NJ Tiered System of Supports
New Jersey School Search Policy Manual, The
No Child Left Behind (Enacted January 3, 2001; Effective: January 1, 2002-June 30, 2016)
Nonpublic School Services



Opioid Use and Misuse Fact Sheet
Organization Overview


Parental Guidance on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Parental Rights in Special Education
Parents Circle
Parents Resources: Student Sexual Development
Performance Reports, School
Personal Financial Literacy Pilot Program
Personalized Student Learning Plan
Petition of Appeal
Physical Education (Comprehensive Health and Physical Education)
Portal Bilingüe/Español
Preparation Programs for Educators
Press Releases
Privacy (Student)
Private and Parochial School Services
Private Schools for Students with Disabilities New Jersey Department of Mandated Tuition Contract
Private Vocational Schools Directory
Professional Development
Professional Development Module (Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment)
Professional Learning Network
Profiles, School Health



Recognition Programs
Restart & Recovery Plan: The Road Back
Recruitment of Educators
Reentry, School
Religious Holidays Permitting Pupil Absence from School,List of
Renaissance Schools
Residency Sample Forms
Resource Manual for Intervention and Referral Services (I & RS)
Returning Students – Support for Students Returning from Confinement
Rising Scholars Application and Guidelines, 2012 New Jersey


Safe and Ethical Use of Computers
School Choice, Interdistrict Public
School Climate Survey
School Ethics Commission
School Facilities
School Finance
School Forms
School Improvement Panel (ScIP)
School Performance
School Performance Reports
School Preparedness and Emergency Planning
School Safety and Security
School Start Time
'School Violence Awareness Week' in Accordance with Public Law 2001, Chapter 298, Guidelines for Public Schools and Approved Schools to Observe
Schools, NJ Directory
Self-Assessment for HIB grade
Senate Youth Program (U.S.)
Single Audit Summary
Social and Emotional Learning
Social Studies
Spanish Portal
Special Education
Standards (Student Learning/Academic)
State Aid Summaries
State Board of Education
State Board of Examiners
State Special Education Advisory Council
Structured Learning Experiences (SLE)
Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC)
Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment Professional Development Module
Student Athlete Forms
Student-Athlete Safety Act Webinar
Student Behavior
Student Growth
Student Health
Student Health Forms
Student Health Survey, New Jersey
Student Protection
Student Support Services
Suicide Prevention
Summary of Gifted and Talented Requirements


Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending
Technology Literacy
Technology, Educational
Technology in New Jersey Schools, Facilities Guide for
Testing for Lead in Drinking Water
Textbook Sharing
Title I
Title III
Tobacco, and Other Drug Abuse, Alcohol
Transition to and from Confinement
Transportation, Student
Transportation Contracts
Troops to Teachers
Truancy, Chronic Absenteeism & Attendance


Universal Design for Learning Supports
U.S. Senate Youth Program
Unaccompanied Immigrant Children
Unified Sports
Unsafe School Choice Option


'Violence Awareness Week, School' Guidelines for Public Schools and Approved Charter Schools to Observe
Violence, Vandalism and Substance Abuse in New Jersey Schools
Violence in the Media – Resources
Visual and Performing Arts



Y Education Words Meaning


